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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pornographic False Flag Op
Back in 1995, Senator James Exon, Democrat of Nebraska, added an amendment to the Telecommunications Reform Act (S. 652) which would punish anyone using "indecency" or "obscenity" on the internet. In the weeks prior to the Senate debate on the amendment, the internet, especially USENET, was flooded with pornography, poured into entirely inappropriate places. When other users complained, the porn-spammers would scream it was the First Amendment right to put fisting pictures into the USENET recipe newsgroups, etc. and act in a most rude fashion. So, we did a little digging and sure enough, the porn was coming from government and military servers (the reason the CIA has since set up operations like Domains By Proxy to conceal the source of the covert games). In other words, the US Government, trying even then to justify censorship of the internet, was the source of the very pornography cited as a "crisis" by Senator James Exon, and once the debate on the amendment ended, the flood of porn stopped as if a switch had been thrown.
Given the sudden spate of articles such as this one calling for the internet to be "fixed" (even though it is not really broken), and Obama's call for a new CyberSecurity initiative he can campaign with in 2012 (because he can't run on anything else he has done) I conclude that the attack on DirectNIC over the last few days was done by the United States Government itself to create the crisis it intends to sell you a solution to; one that will make sure only the "correct" information is available online.
We have been down this path before.

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