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Saturday, May 28, 2011

9/11 & reagan

Some Notes on 9/11 and the Scare Tactics of Western Governments

by Michael W Gooch on Sunday, March 27, 2011 at 2:09pm
by Michael W Gooch on Friday, January 14, 2011 at 8:34pm
My 9/11 Theory

Islamic fundamentalism has nothing to do with terrorism. Wife beating, public execution, ignorance yes; Terrorism no! The taliban is a religious group but they are not terrorists. Al Qaeda is a drug cartel nothing more. They were simply continuing the Mena, Arkansas smuggling work of the CIA but based in Florida with huffman aviation as a cover. It seems likely that Mossad agents, believing that they were participating in a drill or possibly responding to what they believed was a real hijacking, seized control of the planes and handed over their flight controls to an on the ground cadre of mossad technicians believing that the planes would be landed safely by remote control. Instead the crew on the ground flew them into targets. Operation Vigilant Guardian would have provided cover and since israel has penetrated every level of government they could have arranged for all fighter jets to be out of reach. It could have taken less than ten mossad thugs (plus the traitor dick cheney) who knew what was going on to pull this off. Flight 77 probably made it's loop while the ground crew was deciding on a target after realizing that flight 93 was about to be shot down by American fighters.

Phony conspiracy theories


9/11 was a mossad hit. The technology to remotely guide an airplane to a target is decades old. Additionally flight 77 made a circle before hitting the Pentagon (probably deciding which becon to follow) then performed a maneuver that could only be accomplished with fly by wire technology making fine adjustments of the flaps every few milliseconds. This IS impossible for humans;Our reflexes are too slow. Additionally the Pentagon and CIA are thoroughly infested with dual israeli citizens working for mossad.

Al Qaeda is a drug cartel nothing more. They were simply continuing the Mena, Arkansas smuggling work of the CIA but based in Florida with huffman aviation as a cover. It seems likely that Mossad agents, believing that they were participating in a drill or possibly responding to what they believed was a real hijacking, seized control of the planes and handed over their flight controls believing that the planes would be landed safely by remote control. However they could have been tricked into putting the planes under the command of beacons in the WTC and Pentagon. 

Operation Vigilant Guardian would have provided cover and since israel has penetrated every level of government they could have arranged for all fighter jets to be out of reach. It could have taken less than ten mossad thugs (plus the traitor dick cheney) who knew what was going on to pull this off. 

Unocal tried to negotiate a deal with the taliban to allow them to construct a pipeline from Turkmenistan through western Afghanistan to Pakistan. A deal couldn't be reached so the next option was to invade.

Bill Cooper predicted 9/11.

Susan Lindauer was arrested and committed for having foreknowledge of the attack. She wasn't a conspirator and in fact tried to stop it.

This movie does a good analysis:

The New American Century

Who Killed John O'Neil?


The war on Afghanistan was sold to the public as a reaction to the attacks on 11 September 2001. However, the war was planned before the infamous 9/11 disaster, and the military action began long before the World Trade Center fell.

The conquest of Afghanistan had been planned since at least 12 February 1998, and 9/11 happened just in time to secure public support for the attacks.


Rather than create a new note I want to elaborate on the lack of a connection between islam and terror here.

Notice how these stories start turning up when westerners start viewing muslims as humans. I call bullshit! IF this happened at all it's a CIA/mossad/MI6 job just like this:

This looks like a false flag to build US public support for action in Pakistan since XE got caught spying there for western corporate interests.

The army, which has been maintaining security in Egypt since police disappeared during anti-regime protests last month, managed to put the fire out and restore calm to the area, the official said. 

I wanna clarify. I'm not defending islam. My point is that most people don't let their religion trump common sense. I'm defending the ability of humans (including muslims) common to be decent in spite of their doctrines. Here is an example: "Terrorized Copts have fled and some hid in homes of Muslim neighbors,"... Muslims hiding Christians while the mob riots.

There was some feuding between the families. After that died down there were funerals for the dead. After that a group of muslims rioted and burned some churches. Wonder how many of the rioters were even involved in the original feud. I'm guessing not many. I'm guessing that CIA agitators sought out troublemakers and criminals and stirred them up.

See how this is carefully timed to counter the empathy that Americans and middle easterners feel for one another in their struggles against oppressive governments. There is no point in this witch hunt. There hasn't been a terrorist attack in years and terrorism is a tool of megalomaniacs not religious extremists anyway.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Just a discussion I had on WTC7

See what small isolated fires can do to a building? It's a wonder we don't see buildings collapsing all the time. Just a few small fires caused a symetrical collapse at free-fall speed in WORLD TRADE CENTER 7.

wtc 7 collapse
wtc 7 collapse
December 7 at 7:19pm · Like · Comment · Share
Troy Morvant

This image doesn't look like isolated fires to me.
December 7 at 8:25pm · Like
Michael W Gooch I couldn't see any fires. In any case 9/11 was an historic day for construction/demolition because it was the only time any skyscraper has ever collapsed due to fire. It's also worth noting that other buildings closer to the towers suffered alot more damage and remained standing.
December 7 at 8:31pm · Like
Troy Morvant How can you say they suffered more damage when the building collapsed? There was a giant hole about 15 - 20 stories tall on one side of the building. That is a significant amount of damage. Furthermore it is is also worth noting that this particular building was built in such a way that made it more susceptible to collapse, not to mention the fires.

" In any case 9/11 was an historic day for construction/demolition because it was the only time any skyscraper has ever collapsed due to fire."

Except that it isn't. It only took me a couple tries in google to find this video:
December 7 at 9:20pm · Like
Michael W Gooch At about 1:50 in that video the smoke clears away and you can see that the building is still standing in spite of part of the wall falling away.

There were giant holes in lots of buildings. On WTC 7 you can see the middle of the building sag as the central column is blown. Here is a video showing some scenes from the complex.
December 7 at 9:38pm · Like
Michael W Gooch Here are some videos of the demo crews working on the Dutch university building after the fire was extinguished.
December 7 at 9:44pm · Like
Troy Morvant Yes Michael, but any first year structural engineer can tell you the difference between these two examples is the number of floors and the way it was constructed. This building only had 6 or 7 floors above the point of failure vs 40! This ...
See More
December 7 at 9:50pm · Like
Michael W Gooch On bldg 7! I could buy it if it was an asymetrical collapse where the damaged corner fell away first and pulled down part of the building. But it looks too neat. What we are seeing is a deliberate implosion.
December 7 at 10:19pm · Like
Michael W Gooch BTW. I'm not trying to win a court case here. That's impossible. All of the evidence was shipped off to China and melted down. My goal is to build distrust of our military industrial complex, our oil industry, politicians (especially gop) the pentagon, the cia, israel etc...ON the CIA: It is likely that the CIA wanted into Afghanistan to control the opium trade. Although they are known as the COCAINE IMPORT AGENCY for their activities under reagan it wouldn't be a surprise if they dealt in other types of vice.
December 7 at 10:41pm · Like
Michael W Gooch "Do you guys talk to engineers at all?"


"Furthermore how on earth do you expect anyone to keep the secret you claim the govt has."

It's no secret. It's all over the internet. And it wasn't OUR government who did it. Whoever did this was trying to start a war in the middle east probably for the Afghan pipeline ROW or maybe some other strategic or monetary goal but definitely NOT because they hate our freedom. Only a few people in the US had to be wise to the plan.

"Imagine the number of people necessary to pull this off. "

The official whitewash says 19

"How could the bush administration possess the logistical prowess to pull this off, yet somehow lack the ability to 'fake' the existence of WMDs? "

Again it wasn't our government that did 9/11 and Iraq was hastily framed and invaded by bush while America was still blinded with rage

"To what end would the govt do this? Is there not easier ways to accomplish the same goal?"

The invasion was planned in advance to establish a puppet government in Afghanistan, a government that would grant ROW access for a pipeline from Turkmenistan across Afghanistan to Pakistan. Unocal tried negotiating with the taliban in July 2001 but the taliban wouldn't agree to their terms. So our government which serves as muscle for big business planned a regime change. Unocal removed themselves from the project (probably because their threats to the taliban became known) but other companies were still on board.

All they needed was a trigger. After 9/11 the US had the support of the world. And just as the British government on behalf of BP used our CIA to do their dirty work in Iran to overthrow Mossadegh The US government on behalf of the oil industry used a foreign intelligence agency to do theirs on 9/11 and give the US a legitimate looking reason to invade Afghanistan. And let's not forget the billions in corporate welfare to halliburton for their shitty performance and blackwater/xe for their thuggery. Popular support, an excuse for invasion and obscene cronyism are what 9/11 was about.
December 7 at 10:51pm · Like
December 18, 2010 at 9:22pm · 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What Is The Internet Hiding?

You spend half your life in Internet space, but trust me—you don't understand how it works. Eli Pariser's book is a masterpiece of both investigation and interpretation; he exposes the way we're sent down particular information tunnels, and he explains how we might once again find ourselves in a broad public square of ideas...It's not a given that the Internet will remain fertile ground for democracy. We need to make sure it does, and Eli's argument is an important part of that fight.

Friday, May 13, 2011


Re: Web of terror an economic stranglehold David
Do not be such a blind and naïve fool. It is Wall Street that has economically strangled the United States with their mortgage-backed securities fraud, which has (according to Dylan Ratigan) cost America $27 trillion so far. Of course. Wall Street hopes you will believe all the economic deprivations are caused by Osama bin Laden, because then the Wall Street Robber barons get to avoid prison, settle down with their treasures, throw scraps at the Congresscritters who helped them loot the nation by repealing Glass-Steagal in 1999, and otherwise laugh at the rest of us who fell for the deception.
Including you.
The preponderance of evidence is that the real Osama bin Laden (who worked for the CIA under the name “Tim Osman” during the war in Afghanistan, and whose older brother Salem bin Laden was business partners with George W. Bush in a company called Arbusto Energy) died of natural causes in December 2001. His funeral notice was in most of the foreign press and even FOX News reported on his death, until the White House (and Wall Street) realized that a live bin Laden is more much useful for scaring America into wars of conquest than a dead one.,2933,41576,00.html

In 2007, shortly before her assassination, Benazir Bhutto confirmed bin Laden was already dead.
Every “Osama” that has been shown in the media since then has been exposed as a fake. This includes the “Osama” from 2004…
… which was recycled (with a new background) as part of yesterday’s claim of “Home Movies.”
The fakery also includes the numerous pictures and videos shown over the last few days in what appears to be a desperate play by President Obama to save his chances for a 2012 re-election, and to shift the blame from the financial melt-down from Wall Street to a now conveniently dead and unreachable villain (much as the FBI declared the newly dead and unable to defend himself Bruce Ivins the author of the anthrax letters).
One particularly sloppy example of the latest hoaxes to be foisted on the gullible, which embarrassed the UK Daily Mail, can be seen at
Other demonstrated frauds are at
Common sense will tell you that if that really had been Bin Laden who was gunned down in cold blood last Sunday that there would be no need for faked evidence, and indeed fakes would be avoided precisely because the revelation of a single hoax casts the credibility of the entire story into doubt. Therefore, if there is just one fake, the logical conclusion si that the entire story is fake, and as you can see above, this does appear to be the case regarding the claim that the US “got” Bin Laden.
Remember how the White House claimed to watch the killing in Live TV?
The White House even released a photo showing Obama, Clinton, etc, all watching the love feed of the raid.

Of course, the most obvious clue that this was a staged photo is that the laptops are not turned on.
And sure enough, the head of the CIA admitted there had been no live feed after all!
The reason for the change is obvious. The foreign media has been reporting that it was Pakistani troops who raided the home and shot the old man, while looking for those who had shot down a Pakistani helicopter.
Only after neighbors stated that the dead man might be Osama Bin Laden did the US swoop in and try to pretend this was an heroic operation by the Navy SEALS, so of course there could be no video, live or otherwise of the SEAL raid. It didn’t happen.
How many times do you have to be lied to before you understand you are being lied to?
You are paid to be a journalist. In the interests of preventing World War Three please try to act like one!
This reply posted to


I am a 43yo male who likes MMA, heavy metal music and puppies. I use the care2 website for email and daily clicks for charity. I shun superficiality and materialism. I am not your target audience. So keep your obnoxious videos off of my homepage. I am sick to death of hearing your hostess' mouth start running off about celebrity bargain hunters, wedding invitations and style miracles...

Meet the Goonch

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

We Demand That Democrats Fight Back

Message: The vast majority of poor people needing assistance are NOT drug addicts mooching off the state. We MUST get this out there at the grassroots level. Mr. Scott has interests in drug testing facilities which is his motivation behind this legislation. I thought they were against INTRUSIVE government. Point out this hypocracy.

Say goodbye to your voting rights if you live in Florida. If you are a military family, student, senior citizen, or a low income voter, your civil rights are being threatened. We need a concerted effort by the people in Florida to oust the Republican tyranny before the voices of the people are forever drowned out. Click "like" if you agree.

The Government Can't Keep Secrets

Valerie Plame recently tried to assure Bob Tuskin at the Intel Hub that the U.S. government could never keep such a huge and devastating secret as 9/11 for so long. Wanna bet? Myself, I got rewarded with 5 years of indictment...



Oil Trader Decries Unregulated Speculation as Gas and Heating Oil Prices Climb

‘Perhaps 60% of today’s oil price is pure speculation’

D.C. can slow rising gas prices

obama reaching out to the den of rats in the GOP so they can bite his hand again.

We do not need increased domestic production. We need to crack down on speculation. Better yet have the government nationalize all domestic crude and simply hire the oil companies to refine it for the domestic market.


The Militant - December 4, 2000 -- Airline workers step up their fight for contracts

"The 15,000 mechanics, baggage handlers, and service agents at United Airlines have been without a contract since July. On November 20, United Airlines flight attendants held informational picket lines at l6 airports across the country, demanding better pay. They passed out leaflets drawing attention."

Emulating this strategy with oil companies might be a way to bring down gas prices.

The boycotting of certian institutions at certain times announced via internet bulletin boards and social networks on the day the boycott is to begin with minimal prior warning. The article doesn't cover the strategy they used but I remember when it happened.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

bin laden dead? WHO CARES?

NOT WORTH EXPLORING! The debate about whether OBL died on May 2, 2011 or sometime in late 2001 will only distract. OBL was not behind 9/11; PNAC and Israel were behind 9/11 and it is our dealings with them that should be the focus of the investigation not the date of bin laden's death.

Ties between the Bush and Bin Laden families. The Bush and Bin Laden families have had relations for over 20 years. 

Get it here!
  • Osama says HE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ATTACKS OF 9/11! - Here is the transcript of what you were not allowed to hear from Osama binLaden's own mouth: - Not many people know that, after September 11, 2001, Osama bin Laden issued a statement on tape that he had nothing to do with the attacks on America and that such actions were against the teachings of Islam. Americans were prevented from accessing this information because we were told that Osama could possibly have an embedded "secret code" in the tape that would alert other terrorists cells to "activate" and target other American cities. -  
  • FBI Bin Laden Not Wanted 'Dead or Alive' for 9-11 - FBI Director Robert Mueller, in a speech at the Commonwealth Club on April 19, 2002, said: "In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper - either here in the United States, or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere - that mentioned any aspect of the September 11 plot." - The evidence against Bin Laden, promised by Secretary of State Colin Powell on September 23, 2001, has yet to be made available to the public.
  • CIA: Osama Helped Bush in '04 - On Oct. 29, 2004, just four days before the U.S. presidential election, al-Qaeda leader Osama bin-Laden released a videotape denouncing George W. Bush. Some Bush supporters quickly spun the diatribe as “Osama’s endorsement of John Kerry.” But behind the walls of the CIA, analysts had concluded the opposite: that bin-Laden was trying to help Bush gain a second term. - This stunning CIA disclosure is tucked away in a brief passage near the end of Ron Suskind’s The One Percent Doctrine, which draws heavily from CIA insiders.
  • CIA closes down unit that was hunting Bin Laden - The terrorist tracking unit, known inside the spy agency as "Alec station," was disbanded late last year and its analysts reassigned to other offices within the CIA's Counterterrorist Center, the officials said. - 
  • Bush & Bin Laden - Kindred Spirits - A TVNL Flyer
  • FBI PROTECTS OSAMA BIN LADEN’S “RIGHT TO PRIVACY” IN DOCUMENT RELEASE - Judicial Watch, the public interest group that fights government corruption, announced today that it has obtained documents through the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) in which the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) has invoked privacy right protections on behalf of al Qaeda terror leader Osama bin Laden. In a September 24, 2003 declassified “Secret” FBI report obtained by Judicial Watch, the FBI invoked Exemption 6 under FOIA law on behalf of bin Laden, which permits the government to withhold all information about U.S. persons in “personnel and medical files and similar files” when the disclosure of such information “would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.” (5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(6) (2000)) - Before invoking privacy protections for Osama bin Laden under Exemption 6, the FBI should have conducted a balancing “test” of the public's right to disclosure against the individual's right to privacy
  • Bush Administration Hampered FBI Investigation into Bin Laden Family Before 9/11
  • FBI: Bush Spikes Bin Laden Probe
  • US Agents Told: Back off Bin Ladens
  • Bush Ties to Bin Laden Brood
  • Bush Ties bin Laden Thwart FBI Investigation
  • FBI’s Top Al Quaeda Expert Resigns - Dies on 9/11 at his New Job; Head of Security for the WTC.
  • Who was Sitting on the FBI?
  • Bush Family’s Dirty Little Secret
  • Dubious Friends
  • Some interesting information
  • Bechtel tied to bin Ladens
  • Green light for 9/11 film - Michael Moore to make film about Bush/Bin Laden family connection. Let’s see if he lives to finish the project
  • The Secret Saudi Flight on 9-13 Could be the Key to the Bush-Saudi-Al Qaeda Connection
  • U.S. put off Predator flights over Afghanistan despite initial successes - As late as a week before the suicide attacks against New York and Washington, senior administration officials meeting at the White House had not yet resolved questions about plans to equip each Predator with as many as two Hellfire missiles to kill bin Laden, these officials told The Associated Press. - This came despite the remarkable successes in the fall 2000, including what many intelligence experts concluded were three separate sightings of bin Laden during a series of 11 Predator flights over the Afghan desert. - TVNL comment: They could have tried to get Bin Laden before 9/11 but the Bush/PNAC White House delayed action.
  • Bin Laden family fled United States - Two dozen members of Osama bin Laden's family were urgently evacuated from the United States in the first days following the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, according to the Saudi ambassador to Washington. - TVNL comment: This took place when the airlines were gounded.
  • Officials: Drones spotted Osama - Though Predator drones spotted Osama bin Laden as many as three times in late 2000, the U.S. administration did not fly the unmanned planes over Afghanistan during its first eight months and was still refining a plan to use one armed with missiles to kill the al-Qaida leader when Sept. 11 unfolded, current and former U.S. officials say. - TVNL comment: Bush/PNAC had him in their sights 3 times and they did nothing!
  • Al Qaeda mutating like a virus - Terror networks operating with renewed vigour- Iraq war helping bin Laden recruit suicide bombers. - Part of the problem, analysts say, was the war in Iraq, which unsurprisingly created a new wave of animosity toward the United States and Britain, acting as an effective recruiting tool among disaffected Muslims. - TVNL comment: We told you so! We all told you so! 
  • 16 Words and 28 Pages - Each year, Project Censored lists the top 25 stories ignored by the mainstream media. Their 2003 release, which chronicled overlooked news items from 2001-2002, ranked the Bush administration's role in thwarting pre-Sept.11 terrorist investigations at No. 4. "Bush Administration Hampered FBI Investigation into Bin Laden Family Before 9/11," [LINK], they announced, using scattered news reports and former FBI deputy director John O'Neill's testimony to back claims that the government obstructed terrorism investigations and placed oil concerns above citizens' safety. "The main obstacles to investigating Islamic terrorism were US oil corporate interests and the role played by Saudi Arabia in it," O'Neill told French intelligence analysts Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie.
  • Bush made Osama deal with Musharraf - Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has struck a deal with the US not to capture Osama Bin Laden, fearing this could lead to unrest in Pakistan, according to a special investigation by The Guardian.
  • Inside story of the hunt for Bin Laden - For the Americans, the March operation was yet another bitter lesson in the difficulty of tracking down Bin Laden. With the US election nearing and mounting concerns about Washington's second great military project - Iraq - George Bush more than ever needs the incalculable political boost that Bin Laden's capture would bring. - TVNL Comment: Mark this down, Bin Laden will be captured or lkilled during the weeks preceeding the 2004 election. This will be a strategic maneuver to boost Bush’s popularity prior to the election.
  • Did Our President Spike The Investigation Of Bin Laden? - After Bush took office, he said, "there was a major policy shift" at the National Security Agency. Investigators were ordered to "back off" from any inquiries into Saudi Arabian financing of terror networks, especially if they touched on Saudi royals and their retainers. That put the bin Ladens, a family worth a reported $12 billion and a virtual arm of the Saudi royal household, off-limits for investigation.
  • Bin Laden family's US exit 'approved' - THE United States allowed members of Osama bin Laden’s family to jet out of the US in the immediate aftermath of September 11, even as American airspace was closed.  - Former White House counter-terrorism tsar Richard Clarke said the Bush administration sanctioned the repatriation of about 140 high-ranking Saudi Arabians, including relatives of the al-Qaida chief.
  • George of Arabia - The unholy alliance between the Bushes and the Saudis - By Michael Moore - To make matters worse, it turned out that one of bin Laden's brothers -- Shafiq -- was actually at a Carlyle Group business conference in Washington, D.C. the morning of September 11th. - Mr. Bush, the bin Ladens are not the only Saudis with whom you and your family have a close personal relationship. The entire royal family seems to be indebted to you -- or is it the other way around?
  • Strange Bedfellows: - US Contractor in Iraq Helped Fund Al Qaeda - One reason the Bush Administration gave for going to war in Iraq was Saddam Hussein's alleged ties to terrorists. So it is ironic that one of the partners in a big Iraqi firm being used by US contractors in Iraq is also a founding partner in an organization that's been identified as helping fund Al Qaeda.
  • Bechtel tied to bin Ladens - Osama bin Laden family members invested $10M in an equity fund run by former Bechtel unit. -  The Bush administration launched a war on terror because of the alleged acts of Osama bin Laden. Ironically, one of the companies the administration has picked to rebuild Iraq after the latest phase of that war has ties to bin Laden's family, according to a published report.
  • Bush took FBI agents off Laden family trail - The report, which the BBC claimed was based on a secret FBI document, numbered 199I WF213589 and emanating out of the FBI’s Washington field office, alleged that the cynicism of the American establishment and "connections between the CIA and Saudi Arabia and the Bush men and bin Ladens" may have been the real cause of the deaths of thousands in the World Trade Centre attacks. - Newsnight said there was a long history of "shadowy" American connections with Saudi Arabia, not least the two presidents Bush’s "business dealings" with the bin Ladens and another more insidious link revealed by the former head of the American visa section in Jeddah.
  • Waxman looking for ‘reassurance’ - Congressman asks for probe of flights of bin Laden kin - California Democrat Henry Waxman is calling on Attorney General John Ashcroft to reveal who cleared members of Osama bin Laden’s family and other Saudi citizens to leave the country immediately following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
  • White House, 4/01: Focus on Bin Laden "A Mistake"." When asked why the Administration had reduced the focus, " The report directly contradicts the White House's continued assertion that fighting terrorism was its "top priority" before the 9/11 attacks1.  - Specifically, on April 30, 2001, CNN reported that the Bush Administration's release of the government's annual terrorism report contained a serious change: ") shows that  - A previously forgotten report from April 2001 (
  • Terrorist's Name On Manifest Raises Questions About Saudi Flights After 9/11 - List and testimony indicates FBI may have allowed alleged hijacker's kin to leave U.S. with son of Saudi defense minister without questioning them. A copy of a previously unpublished manifest, obtained late Thursday night and dated September 15, 2001, provides evidence of a private Boeing-727 Saudi flight from Lexington, Kentucky to London.  But the names on the manifest raise serious questions about FBI policies and procedures related to witness identification, criminal investigations and obstruction of justice.
  • Summary of Saudi Arabia Flight Findings - No commercial planes, including chartered flights, were permitted to fly into, out of, or within the United States until Sept. 13, 2001. After the air space reopened, six chartered flights with 142 people, mostly Saudi Arabian nationals, departed from the United States between Sept. 14 and 24. One flight, the so-called bin Ladin flight, departed the United States on Sept. 20 with 26 passengers, most of them relatives of Osama Bin Ladin.
  • TIA now verifies flight of Saudis - For nearly three years, White House, aviation and law enforcement officials have insisted the flight never took place and have denied published reports and widespread Internet speculation about its purpose. - But now, at the request of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, TIA officials have confirmed that the flight did take place and have supplied details. -  CIA Commander: We Let bin Laden Slip Away. - But in a forthcoming book, the CIA field commander for the agency's Jawbreaker team at Tora Bora, Gary Berntsen, says he and other U.S. commanders did know that bin Laden was among the hundreds of fleeing Qaeda and Taliban members. Berntsen says he had definitive intelligence that bin Laden was holed up at Tora Bora—intelligence operatives had tracked him—and’s Suggested Reading



First of all, for those of you who don’t know it, bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11, was charged with nothing about it.  Secondly, the criminal charges against bin Laden were not backed by any evidence, not enough for an honest indictment.

Osama bin Laden was a CIA fundraiser with no experience whatsoever in terrorist activities, military planning, weapons, explosives or leading people.  Furthermore, Sibel Edmonds, former FBI translator (and VT staff writer) had, during her employment, seen documents verifying Osama bin Laden’s continued service to the United States, even on 9/11/2001.  He was assisting the CIA in funding covert operations while the World Trade Center was being demolished and the documents prove it.


The entire premise for Afghanistan was a lie.  Not long ago, Ron Paul exposed even the first Gulf War as a lie, Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait was authorized and supported by the United States.  This is one of the uncelebrated Wikileaks accomplishments.

Everybody knows, and I do so love saying this, that there were no WMDs in Iraq, that the whole thing was set up by Israel.  5000 Americans died uselessly.  Let’s face it, “uselessly” is the right term, no way about it.  We can handle the truth.


What do we know is true?  There was once a man named Osama bin Laden.  His family, lifelong friends of the Bush clan, are wealthy pro-American Saudis.  Their son, Osama bin Laden, was a sensitive, deeply religious family man who agreed to fight alongside the CIA backed Mujahideen in Afghanistan.  Beyond this, we know nothing at all. 

Similarly, Al Qaeda is really an invention, simply a brand name put on a disorganized group of suicide bombers, angry tribesmen, drug dealers and CIA/Mossad agents.


The story of Western intelligence creating and supporting Muslim fundamentalism to oppose the secular pan Arab movement is an old one. A warning from bin Laden below in a 1998 John Miller interview.

...“The United States spent millions of dollars to supply Afghan schoolchildren with textbooks filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings….The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system’s core curriculum. Even the Taliban used the American-produced books,..”, (Washington Post, 23 March 2002)...


NOT WORTH EXPLORING! The debate about whether OBL died on May 2, 2011 or sometime in late 2001 will only distract. OBL was not behind 9/11; PNAC and Israel were behind 9/11 and it is our dealings with them that should be the focus of the investigation not the date of bin laden's death.

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