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Friday, May 27, 2011

Just a discussion I had on WTC7

See what small isolated fires can do to a building? It's a wonder we don't see buildings collapsing all the time. Just a few small fires caused a symetrical collapse at free-fall speed in WORLD TRADE CENTER 7.

wtc 7 collapse
wtc 7 collapse
December 7 at 7:19pm · Like · Comment · Share
Troy Morvant

This image doesn't look like isolated fires to me.
December 7 at 8:25pm · Like
Michael W Gooch I couldn't see any fires. In any case 9/11 was an historic day for construction/demolition because it was the only time any skyscraper has ever collapsed due to fire. It's also worth noting that other buildings closer to the towers suffered alot more damage and remained standing.
December 7 at 8:31pm · Like
Troy Morvant How can you say they suffered more damage when the building collapsed? There was a giant hole about 15 - 20 stories tall on one side of the building. That is a significant amount of damage. Furthermore it is is also worth noting that this particular building was built in such a way that made it more susceptible to collapse, not to mention the fires.

" In any case 9/11 was an historic day for construction/demolition because it was the only time any skyscraper has ever collapsed due to fire."

Except that it isn't. It only took me a couple tries in google to find this video:
December 7 at 9:20pm · Like
Michael W Gooch At about 1:50 in that video the smoke clears away and you can see that the building is still standing in spite of part of the wall falling away.

There were giant holes in lots of buildings. On WTC 7 you can see the middle of the building sag as the central column is blown. Here is a video showing some scenes from the complex.
December 7 at 9:38pm · Like
Michael W Gooch Here are some videos of the demo crews working on the Dutch university building after the fire was extinguished.
December 7 at 9:44pm · Like
Troy Morvant Yes Michael, but any first year structural engineer can tell you the difference between these two examples is the number of floors and the way it was constructed. This building only had 6 or 7 floors above the point of failure vs 40! This ...
See More
December 7 at 9:50pm · Like
Michael W Gooch On bldg 7! I could buy it if it was an asymetrical collapse where the damaged corner fell away first and pulled down part of the building. But it looks too neat. What we are seeing is a deliberate implosion.
December 7 at 10:19pm · Like
Michael W Gooch BTW. I'm not trying to win a court case here. That's impossible. All of the evidence was shipped off to China and melted down. My goal is to build distrust of our military industrial complex, our oil industry, politicians (especially gop) the pentagon, the cia, israel etc...ON the CIA: It is likely that the CIA wanted into Afghanistan to control the opium trade. Although they are known as the COCAINE IMPORT AGENCY for their activities under reagan it wouldn't be a surprise if they dealt in other types of vice.
December 7 at 10:41pm · Like
Michael W Gooch "Do you guys talk to engineers at all?"


"Furthermore how on earth do you expect anyone to keep the secret you claim the govt has."

It's no secret. It's all over the internet. And it wasn't OUR government who did it. Whoever did this was trying to start a war in the middle east probably for the Afghan pipeline ROW or maybe some other strategic or monetary goal but definitely NOT because they hate our freedom. Only a few people in the US had to be wise to the plan.

"Imagine the number of people necessary to pull this off. "

The official whitewash says 19

"How could the bush administration possess the logistical prowess to pull this off, yet somehow lack the ability to 'fake' the existence of WMDs? "

Again it wasn't our government that did 9/11 and Iraq was hastily framed and invaded by bush while America was still blinded with rage

"To what end would the govt do this? Is there not easier ways to accomplish the same goal?"

The invasion was planned in advance to establish a puppet government in Afghanistan, a government that would grant ROW access for a pipeline from Turkmenistan across Afghanistan to Pakistan. Unocal tried negotiating with the taliban in July 2001 but the taliban wouldn't agree to their terms. So our government which serves as muscle for big business planned a regime change. Unocal removed themselves from the project (probably because their threats to the taliban became known) but other companies were still on board.

All they needed was a trigger. After 9/11 the US had the support of the world. And just as the British government on behalf of BP used our CIA to do their dirty work in Iran to overthrow Mossadegh The US government on behalf of the oil industry used a foreign intelligence agency to do theirs on 9/11 and give the US a legitimate looking reason to invade Afghanistan. And let's not forget the billions in corporate welfare to halliburton for their shitty performance and blackwater/xe for their thuggery. Popular support, an excuse for invasion and obscene cronyism are what 9/11 was about.
December 7 at 10:51pm · Like
December 18, 2010 at 9:22pm · 

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