"Hall's report highlights the fact that despite rising prices at US gas pumps, demand in the US was so low it has "become a net exporter of gasoline, unable to consume all that it generates."
"This fact contradicts the familar refrain from GOP politicians and operatives who claim that a 'Drill Everywhere' agenda would solve US energy woes or lead to lower prices for consumers."
It is no coincidence that after republicans took control of the house in Jan 2011 gas prices started to rise especially considering the fact that our president has the spine of an earthworm when it comes to dealing with them; Well actually he agrees with them. Obama's hero is the fascist tyrant ronald reagan.
Once Again, Speculators Behind Sharply Rising Oil and Gasoline Prices
The Truth About Political Attacks Over High Gas Prices
Driving Up Gasoline Prices! Koch Bros manipulate the Oil market
Wall Street Oil Speculation Driving Surge in Gas Prices
It is not the crisis in Libya. Here is why. And this IS THE TRUTH.
And it's not as if we have no domestic oil. And for you carbonazis the BP spill was caused by deliberate negligence. The depth made it hard to cap but did not cause the blowout. BP and halliburton caused the blowout. More specifically the motherfuckers who may have artificially inflated stock prices or bought put options on their stock caused the blowout. While you're busy blaming BP the fucking scum who caused this have cut and run leaving the company holding the bag. They need to be hunted down and burned alive at the stake.
Back to the subject at hand...
The dems had two years to toughen up on speculation and they didn't do shit. They knew that oil prices would be kept in check while they were in control and didn't give a damn what happened in the long run. Scratch a dem and you get a repub. But even as sorry as the dems are at least their control of the house kept gas prices in check. So GOP constituents when gas prices get to be too much just remember you did this to yourselves.
There is no hope for a legislative or regulatory solution now. We have one party who openly serves big banking/financial services and another party who is closeted about it. Neither of them care if you live or die or how you live or die. Their only concern is shifting as much of the planet's wealth as is possible to a few billionaires who will never be able to spend it.
D.C. can slow rising gas prices
obama reaching out to you den of rats so you can bite his hand again.
We do not need increased domestic production. We need to crack down on speculation. Better yet have the government nationalize all domestic crude and simply hire the oil companies to refine it for the domestic market.
There are solutions though...
No I'm not offering.
The boycotting of certian institutions at certain times announced via internet bulletin boards and social networks on the day the boycott is to begin with minimal prior warning.
One person announces the beginning. Another announces the end. The first person may not know who the second person is or when the second will make the call. It will be up to eaech individual to choose from a list of deserving companies.
OKAY. There are a lot of details to work out but this is a start. Sharper minds than this one will be required to implement this.

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